Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Making up for lack of sleep does not work!

According to a new study, trying to catch up on lost sleep by sleeping extra on certain nights such as on the weekends will do no good.
The study was carried out by a team of U.S. researchers who were led by Daniel Cohen from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The idea behind the study was to look into sleep deprivation, and what type of impact it has on people over the long-term.
The idea for many people is that if they sleep 5 hours one night, then 12 hours the next night, they can make up for their lost sleep.
The study though has found that this is not the case by any means, as a lack of sleep one night can seriously harm the performance of people.
A lack of sleep can lead to people being unable to be alert or pay attention. Overall, when people lose sleep, they may be more prone to put themselves or others at risk as they are not as awake or alert to act accordingly.
The authors of the study stated that an average person needs roughly 8 hours of sleep each night to be able to perform up to their potential.
Chronic sleep loss takes place when you only get around 4 to 7 hours per night for many nights in a row.
Catching up on sleep does no good though according to this study, as the impact on the performance of people is still constant no matter how much sleep they catch up on.
The study was unsure as to how many full night’s sleep were needed to completely make up for the chronic sleep loss.
The study was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine

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