Friday, June 20, 2008

29,200,000 Diets

29,200,000 different links came up when I typed "diets" into Google. Can you believe that? What is a person supposed to do? If I were trying to lose weight, and went to the internet for help, I would be confused to say the least. " The confusion in the diet industry is easy to explain. $$$ it is all about money. People are emotional about the way they look. Because they are emotional about the way they look, it is easy to take advantage of them from a marketing standpoint. Lose 10 lbs in 24 hours! Lose a pound a day! Eat all you want and still lose weight! These are all marketing tags to watch out for. In choosing a diet program, you need to ask your self a couple of questions.
1. Is what I have to do during the program something I can do for the rest of my life?
2. Is this program individualized for me. (i.e. measurements taken weekly and program changed based on results)
3. Am I just losing weight or am transforming my body? (Make sure your focus is not just on the scale)
4. Is my metabolism getting higher, or lower? (Diets that have you on super-low calories will slow your metabolism down, make you hungry, and ultimately when you go back to eating normal, you will have lost a lot of lean muscle (fat burning machinery).)

The point is, look for something that is individualized to your abilities, wants, and that can be incorporated into your lifestyle!

Losing fat and or building muscle is hard work! It is not easy, and it takes time! But when you do it right, your results will last! Someone once said "If you lose weight fast, you will gain it back just as fast!"

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