Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How I deal with sugar cravings

I like sugar just like the next person, but there are a lot of products out there that will curb the sweet craving without hurting your results. The item I would like to highlight is "Sugar Free Mentos." They have 0 grams of sugar and taste exactly like real mentos! There are 2 flavors, fruit and cool mint. The best place to find them is at Harmon's by the gum etc in the checkout line. Good luck and enjoy.


Jared Hansen said...

I love mentos! (you know they are dutch, right?) I will have to try that. Personally, I love to grab a sugar free Popsicle when i need my sweet fix.

Mike said...

I thought you were going to say that you were going to put a few in a bottle of diet coke! It explodes right?

Jared Hansen said...

You know, I have tried it. Its pretty freaking cool.